Chordate Medical Holding (publ) Interim Report July-September 2022

Summary of the period July–September 2022
• Net turnover was SEK 0 (211,461)
• Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK -5,623,481 (-4,308,572)
• Profit/loss after financial items was SEK -6,139,836 (-3,719,371)
• Profit/loss after tax was SEK -6,139,836 (-3,719,371)
• Earnings per share were SEK -0.04 (-0.03)

Summary of the period January–September 2022
• Net turnover was SEK 88,170 (478,789)
• Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK -18,852,271 (-15,004,556)
• Profit/loss after financial items was SEK -19,481,497 (-14,574,938)
• Profit/loss after tax was SEK -19,481,497 (-14,574,938)
• Earnings per share were SEK -0.12 (-0.13)

The migraine study has been completed – the most important milestone in the company’s history. We are now entering the final phase of the build-up of the company’s value for a successful exit.

• The migraine study has been delivered – strong significant results
• Market introduction in Finland
• Five international congress exhibitions held
• The company intends to strengthen its cash with a rights issue

Clinical study on migraines completed – an unequivocal success
We have now completed our crucial clinical study on migraines. The analysis of the complete study data shows that the primary effect goal of reducing the number of headache days was achieved with statistical significance. A subgroup analysis of the German patient group was presented as a poster at Migraine Trust International Symposium MTIS 2022, September 8–11, in London. The authors’ summary:

“The subgroup analysis shows that KOS is an effective and safe alternative for preventive treatment of chronic migraines. KOS will be a valuable non-pharmacological treatment alternative with a more beneficial side-effect profile than systematic treatments [medicine].”

The subgroup analysis shows a reduction in headache days by around 2.5 days more after KOS treatment than for the group that received the placebo. The difference was statistically significant with a so-called p-value of 0.014 (<0.05 is significant). To put this in context, it is accepted practice for a one-day reduction to be considered clinically relevant. A reduction of 2.5 days is therefore very good.

Another important aspect that the subgroup analysis published was the percentage of patients that respond to the treatment. Under international guidelines for migraine studies, a chronic migraine patient who experiences more than 30 percent fewer headache days is considered to have responded to the treatment. The subgroup analysis shows that 41.4 percent responded to active KOS treatment, and 14.9 percent in the placebo group. The difference of 26.5 percent is therefore very good.

We have recently been able to announce that the statistical analysis of the entire study has now been completed, and the results published in the subgroup analysis have now been confirmed to be at least as good or better with statistical significance.

It is very important for the company’s value for the complete study to be published in a well-respected scientific journal. For this to happen, the results may not have been published in any other way prior to this. We are therefore being careful not to reveal the results in detail. Once the submitted article has been approved for publication, we will be able to report the full results. It is not possible to predict how long this will take, but it should take a only a few months.

It would be hard to overemphasize the importance of these strong and clear study results for us. Not just that we have now delivered on what may be the most important of our interim goals for an exit, but mainly because this now gives us access to the market with a sought-after alternative to medicinal treatment.

Roll-out at five neurology congresses
The premier for the subgroup analysis was at MTIS in London. We then repeated the presentation at the Italian migraine congress SISC 2022 in Palermo, the German pain congress in Mannheim, the Israeli migraine association’s meeting in Tel Aviv and, finally, Neurological Days in Helsinki during the first week of November. We attracted a lot of interest at all of the events, and we held many sales pitches together with each market actor.

Going forward
To continue to deliver on the strategic plan, we will focus on marketing and sales in 2023. According to our analysis, being able to show that we can build market shares in several carefully selected markets (proof-of-concept) is a crucial step for a good exit for our shareholders.

The projects on market authorization in the USA and China continue.

The Board has convened an Extraordinary General Meeting to resolve on a rights issue for financing the next step in the strategic plan. The subscription period is in December 2022. Information about the general meeting and the issue is available in the notice and the prospectus that will be published on our website within the prescribed period of time.

Kista, November 2022
Anders Weilandt, CEO

Read the full report: Chordate Medical Holding (publ) Interim Report July-September 2022

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