Chordate participates in Feminvest’s investor conference in Stockholm on October 8th

Chordate Medical non-executive Director and main owner Caroline Lundgren Brandberg will participate in Feminvest’s investor conference “Fearless” in Stockholm on October 8th. She will take part in a panel discussion on entrepreneurship within publicly traded companies and growth in the life science sector.

“We participated in Fearless in Oslo earlier this year and received very positive response both on the Ozilia treatment method and the investment case itself. Feminvest represents a broad and strong network of investors with a particular focus on femtech and life science, where Chordate and Ozilia are a good fit given that migraine is a condition that primarily affects women,” says Caroline Lundgren Brandberg, board member of Chordate Medical.

Caroline Lundgren Brandberg, styrelseledamot Chordate Medical.

Caroline Lundgren Brandberg, non-executive Director of Chordate Medical.

Feminvest is an acceleration network for female ownership through education, as well as an investment operation. It is currently the largest platform for female investors and entrepreneurs in the Nordics, with nearly 47,000 subscribers. Feminvest also manages a network of 300 female angel investors.

“Over the past year, we have increased our efforts to raise awareness of the company and Ozilia both among potential investors and in segments surrounding Life Science. Feminvest covers both of these groups, making it a particularly suitable forum for us,” says Anders Weilandt, CEO of Chordate.

Caroline Lundgren Brandberg, MSc. in Engineering Physics, eMBA, has been a board member of Chordate Medical since 2021. Caroline is the Global Sales Director at climate-tech company Deedster and has previously worked internationally for Ericsson in various senior roles focusing on sales and marketing. She also holds several board and advisory board positions, including at Stockholm University.

Fearless Stockholm 2024 October EditionOctober 8th, 2024
Musikaliska Kvarteret, Nybrokajen 11, Stockholm
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