Chordate’s migraine study will be presented at headache congress in Berlin

After the results of Chordate Medical’s migraine study PM007 were first presented at the American Headache Society Scientific Meeting, co-author Dr. Charly Gaul from the Headache Center Frankfurt will present the study at The German Migraine and Headache Society’s congress in Berlin on June 30th. Chordate Medical’s Clinical Research & Medical Director, Jan Hermansson, will be present in Berlin, where the company will participate in an exhibition alongside its German partner, MTIGER GmbH.

“The interest in the study and its results is significant within the migraine field, and this is a great opportunity for us to inform about K.O.S as a treatment method. Germany is one of the Chordate’s prioritized markets, and our partner, MTIGER GmbH, has made significant progress in introducing the K.O.S treatment to key neurologists and opinion leaders in the country,” says Anders Weilandt, CEO of Chordate.

The German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG) was founded in 1979 by a group of dedicated headache scientists and today has more than 450 members, mainly Neurologists, Anaesthetists and General Practitioners, as well as Psychologists and Pharmacologists. One of the organization’s goals is to improve treatment options for patients with acute and chronic headaches.

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