Interview: specialist in neurology dr. Emilia Tauriala on Chordate’s migraine treatment

Doctor Emilia Tauriala is a specialist in neurology, Chief Medical Officer at Terveystalo – one of Finland’s largest private healthcare companies, and one of the trial leaders in Chordate Medical’s study PM-007 in Finland. In an interview with Biostock, she talks about the study work, the benefits of K.O.S and the great need for new treatments for chronic migraine.

The primary final results from Chordate Medical’s PM-007 study will be presented at the American Headache Society’s Scientific Meeting in mid-June. The results show that K.O.S has a significant effect in the preventive treatment of chronic migraine. Chordates CEO Anders Weilandt has previously commented on the study results:

”The headache days were significantly reduced when comparing the real internasal stimulation to sham stimulation. The side effect profile is very different. K.O.S mostly gives side effects during those 20 minutes when you receive the treatment, but the rest of the week you’re “free to go” so to speak. Currently, available treatments for migraine prevention include medication mostly. So, we have blood pressure medication, anti-depressants, and anti-epileptic drugs available for most patients. While they can be effective for some individuals, they’re not always successful in reducing migraine days or the severity of the attacks, and they may also have unwanted side effects. It is  actually quite common that the side effects prevent use of those treatments”, says dr. Emilia Tauriala in the interview.

“The fact that AHS invites the researchers in the study to present the study results in a lecture format confirms the importance of the study results, which show that K.O.S has a significant clear effect for the preventive treatment of chronic migraine. We see the customary publication of the abstract as very positive because it will contribute to the knowledge about the treatment method spreading faster both in the USA and the rest of the world.,” says Chordate CEO Anders Weilandt in a Biostock article.

Watch the interview with dr. Emilia Tauriala, Specialist in neurology and CMO at Terveystalo below.

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