Kalqyl in updated Analysis of Chordate Medical: “Making Progress in All Areas of the Market Plan”

Kalqyl has published an updated analysis of Chordate Medical following the company’s Q1 report released on May 24. In the analysis, Kalqyl comments on Chordate’s continued sales growth, and states that the company is on the right track towards achieving measurable market penetration in selected markets:

“Chordate continues on its current path by making progress in all areas of the market plan, which in the long term should enable the sale of the company. At this stage, we particularly view the increase in sales over five consecutive quarters and the sustained growth rate positively. The company also received a net liquidity of SEK 18.7 million through a rights issue, which provided increased opportunities to continue market and sales efforts. Overall, the company meets our expectations, and our valuation remains unchanged.”

Read the full analysis (in Swedish)

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