Chordate Medical expands international exposure at INS 2022 in Barcelona

After a long pandemic break, scientific congresses are now resumed globally in Life science. For Chordate Medical, INS 2022 is the first in a series of congresses where the company demonstrates its technology K.O.S. INS stands for International Neuromodulation Society and is focused on innovation and investments in neuromodulation.

Jan Hermansson, CSO Chordate Medical, in discussion with a research nurse from Finland.

“This is one of our most important platforms to be exposed to, both to meet doctors who are at the forefront of clinical development, and as exposure to industrial and financial actors. The interest in new treatment methods for chronic migraine that are not invasive or based on drugs is significantly high”, says Anders Weilandt, CEO of Chordate.

Anders Weiland, CEO Chordate Medical, demonstrates the K.O.S technology to a group of Portuguese doctors.

INS 2022 this year gathers around 950 participants from 52 countries and has 32 exhibitors. The scientific program is aimed at clinics and researchers in neuromodulation with a focus on the latest technical developments and new treatment methods.

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