Chordate’s pivotal migraine study was presented for the first time at the American Headache Society Scientific Meeting 2023

Chordate Medical's pivotal clinical study, PM007, was presented at the American Headache Society Scientific Meeting in Austin, Texas, by the coordinating principal investigator, Dr. Jan Hoffmann from King's College, London. This is the first time the primary parts of the final results from the study have been presented at a scientific congress, and Dr. Hoffmann's lecture was attended by approximately 300 migraine specialists.

"Judging by the subsequent questions from the audience, the presentation was received with great interest. The questions asked mainly pertained to the study design, patient population, and the ease of use of the K.O.S. product. According to the physicians I spoke with after the lecture, the need for alternatives and complements to commonly used medications was confirmed. Having access to a therapy that does not entail drug side effects is seen as an important aspect in the migraine care sector”, says Anders Weilandt, Chordate CEO.

In the abstract that forms the basis of Dr. Hoffmann's lecture, the authors write "The findings of the clinical trial show that intranasal K.O.S is an effective and safe option for the preventive treatment of chronic migraine. The non-pharmacological nature of the treatment option positions K.O.S as a valuable addition to the current therapeutic portfolio for the management of chronic migraine as beyond having a solid and sustained treatment effect, it stands out from other preventive treatments by its favorable side effect profile”.

"It is important to remember that our treatment method is a completely new concept for the world at large, and we are only at the beginning of disseminating knowledge about K.O.S. treatment. It is gratifying to have the opportunity to do so here in the United States, where approximately 39 million people suffer from migraines”, says Anders Weilandt.

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We are a Swedish medical technology company listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market.

Chordate has spent more than 10 years developing the Kinetic Oscillation Stimulation, K.O.S, a technique for treating rhinitis and migraine. We have a patent on K.O.S in the EU and the United States, as well as many other countries.

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